Now Glucomannan 575 mg

  • Supports Healthy Cholesterol Levels Already within Healthy Range
  • Promotes satiety

Now Glucomannan 575 mg

Main Ingredient


How It Works

Glucomannan is a water-absorbing beta-glucan, a type of soluble fibre, derived from konjac (Amorphophallus konjac). Soluble fibre aids in digestive speed, blood sugar regulation, and nutritional absorption. While glucomannan is abundant in dietary fibre, it is low in calories and lacks protein and vitamins. Furthermore, because it promotes satiety (a sense of fullness), glucomannan can be a useful adjunct to a weight-loss regimen that includes a nutritious diet and regular exercise.

How To Use

  • Take 3 capsules, once or twice daily, with at least a glass of water 30 – 45 minutes before meal


Brand Origin


Package Size

180 capsules


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